5,000-year-old salt cave in Çankırı ray of hope for COPD patients

A renowned salt cave, located 150 meters underground in the Central Anatolian province of Çankırı and dating back to the Hittite period, is being transformed into a health tourism destination for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Local authorities have launched an initiative allowing COPD patients to benefit from the cave’s naturally healing salt air through soothing sessions.

As part of the 15-day program, professionals and volunteers will lead social, cultural, and health activities in the cave, known as Türkiye’s largest rock salt reserve. Activities will include pottery, marbling workshops, music, theater, and physical exercises.

“The Underground Salt City will become a key location for health tourism,” said Governor Mustafa Fırat Taşolar during the project’s launch ceremony. The first session will run from September 24 to October 8, free of charge.

Source: Hürriyet Daily News

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Lyn Ward

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