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Since 2005 

Keeping you up to date with news and information from Fethiye and around Turkey

Nazar Boncuğu: warding off malevolent glances

In the vibrant tapestry of Turkish culture, one symbol stands out for its profound significance—the Nazar Boncuğu, also known as the evil eye amulet. This small, eye-shaped charm, adorned in hues of blue and white, serves as a stalwart guardian against negative energies believed to emanate from jealous stares and envious intentions. From the bustling […]

“Very superstitious” – a guide to Turkish superstitions

Superstitions have a great place in society and most people exhibit some superstitious behaviour without even realising it. Do you walk under ladders? Do you think you’ll have seven years of bad luck if you break a mirror? If you are a frequent visitor to Türkiye you have probably already realised that the people believe in a lot of […]