Fishermen report sharp decline in fish stocks amid pollution

Fishermen in the Aegean Sea are raising alarms over a sharp decline in fish stocks in the Gulf of İzmir, blaming increasing pollution levels for the drop. Local reports indicate that the number and variety of fish caught between September 1-15 this year have halved compared to the same period in 2023. Approximately 60-70% of the fishermen’s catch is now being diverted to fish farms to be used as feed, a stark change from prior years.

The fishing season in the Aegean Sea reopened on September 1 following the end of the annual hunting ban. However, what should have been a period of abundance turned into disappointment, with fishermen struggling to catch enough fish to support their livelihoods. Many have expressed concerns about their ability to break even.

Mehmet Aksoy, head of a fishermen’s association in İzmir, confirmed the distressing situation. “We have 50 large boats under our association, but the low yields are making it impossible to cover costs,” Aksoy said. He noted that vessels operating near Kuşadası are bringing in only around 100 cases of anchovies per trip, far below market demand and barely enough to offset expenses.

Environmental changes are exacerbating the problem. Rising sea temperatures are forcing fish to migrate to deeper waters, which affects the reproduction of smaller species. The warmer water also leads to oxygen depletion, a significant factor in recent fish die-offs in the inner Gulf of İzmir.

The fish deaths, first observed on August 20, led to a temporary ban on fishing in the inner gulf. Authorities ruled out poisoning as the cause, instead pointing to oxygen depletion. Several fish markets have since ceased purchasing from the affected areas.

Aksoy also addressed public concerns, especially after rumors linked fish die-offs in the Black Sea province of Rize to İzmir’s catch. “We want to reassure the public that we are handling dead fish responsibly and not discarding them into the sea,” Aksoy emphasized.

Despite the struggles, fishermen remain hopeful for better weather and improved conditions, as they continue to monitor the situation closely.

Source: Hürriyet Daily News

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Lyn Ward

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