Fethiye Municipality’s Cleaning Services Directorate continues its daily operations to maintain a clean and healthy environment, including street sweeping, cleaning market areas, and washing public spaces. As the summer of 2024 winds down and autumn begins, the directorate is reflecting on its work during the busy tourist season, which coincided with the opening of schools.

Cleaning Services Director Mahmut Bayraktar explained that the team works around the clock with 330 personnel and a fleet of vehicles, including 33 small and large garbage trucks, 23 debris trucks, 9 tractors, 3 garbage taxis, 6 pick-ups, and 5 excavators. Bayraktar noted the challenge of managing the substantial influx of visitors during the summer, as Fethiye’s population, typically around 180,000 in the winter, increases several times over due to holidaymakers.
400 Tons of Garbage Collected Daily
Bayraktar highlighted the scale of the operation, stating that while surrounding districts produce 70-80 tons of waste daily in summer, Ölüdeniz alone generates 100 tons. On average, the directorate makes 72 trips daily across Fethiye during the peak season, collecting approximately 400 tons of garbage.
Despite the challenges, the Cleaning Services Directorate remains committed to maintaining a clean environment for both residents and visitors throughout the year.
Source: Fethiye Haber Bülteni