UNESCO World Heritage sites in Türkiye – part two

Welcome to part two of our article on UNESCO World Heritage sites in Türkiye. If you missed part one, you can read it here: https://fethiyetimes.com/unesco-world-heritage-sites-in-turkey-part-one/ Sites on the World Heritage List (Cultural) – continued … Great Mosque and Hospital of Divriği The stunning Divriği mosque and madrasa (seminary) complex has been declared by UNESCO to […]
The unique and evocative beauty of Ani

The DK Eyewitness: Türkiye guidebook describes Ani as “one of the most evocative historical sites in Türkiye. Set on a windswept, grassy plateau along the Barley River (Arpaçay), the site contains important remnants of Armenian architecture, including the city walls protecting its northern border, parts of which are still intact.” Registered on the UNESCO World Heritage […]