World Ocean’s Day – time to put the ocean first

World Ocean Day is celebrated every 8 June as a reminder of how integral our seas are to life on Earth.

A United Nations initiative, Oceans Day was first declared in 1992 following the UN Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro, also known as the Earth Summit, which led to important climate change goals.

In 2008, 8 June was officially designated as World Ocean Day, with a different theme each year.

World Ocean’s Day 2023 – Planet Ocean: Tides Are Changing

The ocean covers the majority of the earth, but only a small portion of its waters has been explored. Despite humanity’s utter reliance on it, and compared to the breadth and depth of what it gives us, the ocean receives only a fragment of our attention and resources in return.

But tides are changing.

To celebrate the United Nations World Oceans Day 2023 theme, Planet Ocean, the United Nations is joining forces with decision makers, scientists, private sector executives, civil society representatives, indigenous communities, celebrities and youth activists and more to put the ocean first.

Why does World Ocean’s Day matter?

World Ocean’s Day is an opportunity to raise global awareness of the benefits humans get from the ocean and our individual and collective duty to use its resources sustainably.

It is also a chance to celebrate and appreciate what the ocean provides, from the oxygen we breathe to the inspiration it provides artists.

Oceans cover more than 70% of the planet, produce at least 50% of the world’s oxygen, are home to most of the Earth’s biodiversity and are the main source of protein for more than a billion people.

They also absorb about 30% of carbon dioxide produced by humans – a buffer for the detrimental impacts of global warming.

The UN hopes World Ocean Day will help inform the public of human actions on the ocean and develop a worldwide movement to protect it and unite the world in sustainably managing the oceans.

Make a deal with the ocean

It’s time to act NOW to protect the Ocean for future generations. Take the plunge and make a pledge TODAY to protect this vast, irreplaceable ecosystem that sustains us all!

World Ocean Day on June 8th is the perfect time to join thousands of other people who are taking a stand. You can follow the Marine Stewardship Council World Ocean Day campaign @MSCintheUK across social media using the hashtag #theOceanAndUs

Here’s how you can make your deal with the ocean…

  1. Reward and encourage fishing that protects the Ocean by making more sustainable seafood choices
  2. Look for and support companies, products and charities that help care for the Ocean’s health and wildlife
  3. Learn more about the Ocean and share what you discover with friends and family on social media channels

Plastic pollution is destroying the ocean

World Environment Day 2023 was a reminder that people’s actions on plastic pollution matters, with the theme #BeatPlasticPollution

Its estimated that over 12 million tonnes of plastic is dumped into the ocean every single year. Countless fish, birds, turtle, wales and marine creatures are killed each year by mistaking plastics for food or getting entangled in discarded fishing gear across the world.

Plastics don’t disappear over time. Instead the break down into smaller and smaller pieces. These tiny plastics enter the ocean food chain and have been found inside humans, with as yet unknown effects on our health.

Get involved in a clean up near you

For those who live in Fethiye, there are a number of groups who carry out regular clean-ups in the area.

Keep Fethiye Clean:

If you live in the UK, you could take part in the Surfers Against Sewage Million Mile Clean. It’s easy to join in and open to everyone, wherever you live and however much you can do. 

It’s time to put the ocean first!

Sources: Sky News/World Ocean’s Day/Marine Stewardship Council/Surfers Against Sewage

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Picture of Lyn Ward

Lyn Ward

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